Investigating Learner Perceptions and Outcomes of the Flipped Classroom in Foundation Chemistry Classes

  • Beverley J. Allan The University of Nottingham
Keywords: flipped learning


To compensate for the fast-paced, content-driven nature of the Foundation Chemistry module, which is coupled with wide-ranging learner knowledge and backgrounds, a fully flipped approach was introduced for the topics of qualitative equilibria and quantitative kinetics to assess whether this could improve learners’ understanding and attainment. Statistical analysis of module and exam marks provides some evidence that the fully flipped approach had a positive impact on attainment for the topic of quantitative equilibria, and the learners’ perceptions, as measured through a survey, for this topic confirmed that the flipped model had indeed improved their understanding. However, there is no evidence to suggest any improvement in learner understanding in the more complex topic of quantitative kinetics. After considering both the analysis outcomes and the learner responses to the survey, it is suggested that the flipped methodology be used as part of a mixed methods approach to teaching.


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Author Biography

Beverley J. Allan, The University of Nottingham

Beverley completed her PGCE in 2004 after a brief career in atmospheric chemistry research, and since then has been involved in learning and teaching in secondary, further and higher education acquiring fourteen years of teaching experience. During her time in HE she has convened modules on undergraduate (‘Environmental Chemistry and Physics’) and MSc courses (‘Air Pollution Management and Control’ and ‘Integrated Environmental Strategies’). She currently holds a teaching and learning position as an Assistant Professor convening the ‘Foundation Chemistry’ and ‘Maths for Foundation Science’ modules on the Foundation Science course at the University of Nottingham ( Her current interests are in the effectiveness of student response systems ( /responsive-teaching/3007116.article) and the impact of flipped learning on attainment.       
