Flipped Learning Boosts Exam Performance for Students with Lower Previous Academic Attainment
Flipped learning, constituting pre-session preparatory work in the form of videos, presentations and directed reading, was compared with traditional teaching methodology, transfer of subject knowledge in face-to-face sessions followed by post-session application and consolidation. Flipped learning, as part of the delivery of a level 3 biology course to young adults, was demonstrated to increase the opportunity for higher order thinking activities during sessions and was perceived by students to encourage independent thinking. Attainment in examination questions covering curriculum areas delivered by the alternative pedagogies revealed a 12% mean increase in scores for flipped topics across the cohort, with the greatest impact evidenced by students with lower previous performance in general science examinations (17% increase). Thus, flipped learning may be an effective approach to maximise the cognitive value of face-to-face time with students, encourage the development of independence, and raise achievement, particularly for those students with lower levels of previous academic attainment.